Thursday, 20 June 2019



Image result for it's complicated in relationship
When we think about relationship or dating. Despite feeling difficult. For instance, we have been walking and talking our entire lives, yet walking up to an attractive person and opening our mouths to say “hi” can feel impossibly complex to us. People have been using a phone since they were children, yet given the agony some go through just to dial a person’s phone number, you’d think they were being water boarded. Most of us have kissed someone before and we’ve seen hundreds of movies and instances in real life of other people kissing, yet we still stare dreamily into the object of our affection’s eyes hour after hour, telling ourselves we can never find the “right moment” to do it.

Why? It sounds simple, but why is it so hard?
We build businesses, write novels, scale mountains, help strangers and friends alike through difficult times, tackle the thorniest of the world’s social ills — and yet, when we come face-to-face with someone we find attractive, our hearts race and our minds are sent reeling. And we stall. What is it about this one area of life that the most basic actions can feel impossible, that repetitive behavior often leads to little or no change, and that our psychological defense mechanisms run rampant trying to convince us to not pursue what we want?
Our emotional attachment
As children, none of us get 100% of our needs met. This is true of you. It’s true of me. It’s true of everyone. The degree of which our needs aren’t met varies widely, and the nature of how our needs are unfulfilled differs as well. But it’s the sad truth about growing up: we’ve all got baggage. And some of us have a lot of it. The nature and depth of these traumas imprint themselves onto our unconscious and become the map of how we experience love, intimacy and sex throughout our lives.
Psychologists believe that romantic love occurs when our unconscious becomes exposed to someone who matches the archetype of parental love we experienced growing up, someone whose behavior matches our emotional map for intimacy. Our unconscious is always seeking to return to the unconditional nurturing we received as children, and to re-process and heal the traumas we suffered.
In short, our unconscious is wired to seek out romantic interests who it believes will fulfill our unfulfilled emotional needs, to fill in the gaps of the love and nurturing we missed out on as kids. This is why the people we fall in love with almost always resemble our parents on an emotional level.
Hence why people who are madly in love say to each other, “you complete me,” or refer to each other as their “better half.” It’s also why couples in the throes of new love often act like children around one another. Their unconscious mind can’t differentiate between the love they’re receiving from their girlfriend/boyfriend and the love they once received as a child from their parents.

This is also why dating and relationships are so painful and difficult for so many of us, particularly if we had strained familial relationships growing up. Unlike our dating  lives are inextricably bound to our emotional needs, and when we get into potentially intimate or sexual situations, these experiences rub up against our prior traumas causing us anxiety, neuroticism, stress and pain.

So that someone rejecting you isn’t just rejecting you — instead, to your unconscious, or turned down your need for affection.
Disassociating From Our Emotions
Objectification. Objectifying someone is when you see them only for a specific purpose and don’t see them as fully integrated human beings. You can objectify 4/9 people as sex objects, professional work objects, social objects, or none of the above. You might objectify someone for sex, status or influence. But objectification is ultimately disastrous for one’s own emotional health, not to mention one’s relationships.
Sexism. Viewing the other sex as inferior or inherently evil/inept is a sure way to redirect one’s emotional problems outward onto a population at large rather than dealing with them yourself. Without fail, men who treat and view women as some inferior “other,” are more often than not projecting their own anger and insecurities onto the women they meet rather than dealing with them. The same goes for women.
Manipulation and games. By engaging in games and manipulation, we withhold our true intentions and identities, and therefore we withhold our emotional maps as well. With these tactics, the aim is to get someone to fall for the perception we create rather than who we really are, greatly reducing the risk of digging up the buried emotional scars of past relationships.
Overuse of humor, teasing, bantering. A classic strategy of distraction. Not that jokes or teasing are always bad, but an interaction of nothing but jokes and teasing is a means to communicate without saying anything important, to enjoy yourselves without actually do anything, and to feel like you know each other without actually knowing a thing. This is most typical of English-speaking cultures — men and women, straight and gay — as they tend to use sarcasm and teasing as a means to imply affection rather than actually showing it.

Most of us have, at one point or another, disassociated our emotions and objectified someone (or entire groups of people) for whatever reasons. I will say, however, that there’s a lot of social pressure on men, particularly straight men, to ignore their emotions, particularly “weak” emotions such as a need for intimacy and love. It’s more socially acceptable for men to objectify their sex lives and boast about it. Whether you think that’s right or wrong or doesn’t matter, it is how it is.
                                                                                                               By:- Shibashis B

Friday, 12 April 2019



Are you addicted to happiness

Happiness is not a one-pill drug we’ve been told. We can search for it forever, and then realise, when it’s too late, that the answer always lay within us. But what if I said the answer to your unhappiness also lay within you. That unhappiness is not difficult to get rid of. All you have to do is get rid of your “unhappiness addiction”.

Just ask yourself this. Every time you are happy, are you also afraid? Before you have regaled in your happiness do you feel almost guilty, and pull yourself back to that familiar feeling of dread and guilt that you’ve cocooned yourself in for far too long? That masochistic feeling that even if you laugh out loud for a few minutes you are actually preparing yourself for the next bad thing that comes your way.

  Psychology says that people who appear addicted to unhappiness tend to find reasons to be miserable when life gets “too good”, prefer to take the victim role, and compete with others to see who has it the hardest. He says, “There are several scientific studies indicating that many people have a feeling of being undeserving of happiness.”

unhappiness is a luxury, and some people are addicted to it. These people have wired themselves to be unhappy because it’s the only way they can perform.”
Suffering on an everyday basis is a way of living for some people as they subconsciously believe that by taking the hard road and looking at things pessimistically, they are going to produce better results. It’s like bargaining with Greater Powers so that someone up there sees your pain, and then gives you something to laugh about.

"Especially in India, we have this traditional belief ingrained by our parents and elders that if you laugh too much, you will have to cry a lot too. And soon. This subconscious feeling makes us more unhappy.”Most of us do not have the resilience genes in place because of this attitude of discontentment. people are less unhappy when they are more resilient and have better coping strategies. They have ‘trained’ themselves to being happy. They don’t stay in the victim mode for more than 1 minutes max.”


Whether good or bad, deal with the situation and move on to the next moment. Don’t get into the habit of postponing your happiness. I will be happy after the promotion, after the proposal, after the admission. but what about the here and now? A simple breakfast can be happiness. 
even the smallest thing, like a water bottle dropping from your hand can make you unhappy, if you feel you are never in control of things. “It’s far easier to fall into the unhappiness trap, and brood than to get up and change the habit.”

Unhappiness also becomes an addiction because people are caught up in their drama stories. We all repeat our actions again and again because invariably, people don’t want to change. The habitual cribbing is our safe zone. And it’s dangerous. At these moments, every time we are saying we’ve failed, our minds are being hardwired to believe we will fail again.”

Why Does Growth Mindset Matter?

If we have a “growth mindset,” we enjoy challenges, despite the risk, usually because we value learning and growth more than others thinking we know what we’re doing. And because we’re always trying new things, we often don’t know what we’re doing. Still, those of us with a growth mindset often build new skills more easily because we believe we can and so we really work at it.

Signs that say you make yourself unhappy...
  1. You repeat unpleasant episodes and wallow in your stories of unfairness that happened in the past.
  2. You resist what’s happening now.
  3. You give too much power to your ego.
  4.  Complain about everything.
  5.  Avoid and procrastinate dealing with problems.
  6.  Worry about things that have not happened yet.
  7.  Overwhelmed by uncertainty.
  8. Judge yourself in a harsh way.
  9. I Feel enslaved to your emotions and powerless to change.
  10.  Feel dissatisfied even when life is going well.
  11. Struggle to celebrate your goals
  12. You have a hard time putting things behind you.
  13. Dissatisfaction is your second nature
How to Fix it
- Fix the offending issue at hand
- Understand the source of negativity
- Identify baby steps to address them. Proactively dealing with your problems now rather than avoiding them will help you regain your happiness
-Hold tightly to your self-care programme
-Turn setbacks into victories
-Have effective ways to get control over painful moods – good music, workout or travel.
                                                                                                                                          written by                                                                                                                                             :- $|-||v

Sunday, 27 January 2019



Twin souls over-romanticized BS or true love?

I have been thinking about writing an article about twin flames (twin souls) for some time. But every time I felt it wasn’t the right time. This morning after a twin flame between vegetable(EGG PLANT)  showed me a real peek behind the facade he had pulled up for the outside world,
I have known about twin souls since I was grown up with age. I grew up in a spiritual community in berhampur  and I can still see myself sitting there reading about twin flames. I was struck by the concept and desperately wanted to believe in the idea of being destined for just one… As time went by and I grew up, like many I distanced myself from the spiritual beliefs of my parents to find my own and twin souls became nothing more than over-romanticized bullshit to me.
There is always an obstacle
One of the tell tale signs of a twin flame connection is an immense inexplicable pull towards each other combined with a sure fire obstacle that keeps you apart. I’m always amazed at people who deliberately want to find their twin soul and ask the Universe to bring their twin flame into their life, they have no fucking clue what they are asking for because twin flame love is nowhere near what we consider to be love in our society. I also secretly smile when people come to me gushing over, with ‘love’ cause they found their twin soul and life is so perfect.  I always tell them if this is really your twin flame, you better buckle up cause you are just about to hit the roller coasters like you have never been on any in your whole life. Meeting your twin soul ALWAYS starts a cleansing and purging process, bringing up your own shit that still needs to be healed.
There is often something keeping twins apart, until the time is right. Large age differences, cultural differences, long distances, he’s married, she’s married, they are both married.  Usually whatever the obstacle is, it brings a lot of shame and is a big hit to the ego to overcome it. It is set up this way, because twin flame relationships are designed as an express way to enlightenment. The struggle and the pain caused by the obstacle in combination with the extreme pull both twins feel towards each other and their undying love for each other can literally pull them out of their ego and back into Oneness with all that is.
I put the word love in quotations earlier, because until you have met your twin soul you have no clue what love is. Not in the real sense of love. That is what the twin flame process comes to achieve in your life, it will help you birth real love, unconditional love for the other, for yourself and for the world. This might sound arrogant, but trust me once you meet your twin soul you will realize you never knew what true love felt like, until now.

You can’t break the connection, no matter what you try

The twin flame stage is set up in such a way that you can’t leave, no matter what you try. No matter how good you are in walking away from  relationships, you won’t be able to break away from this one.  Even if you are the runner or try to run, the Universe is in-exhaustive in her creativity to push you back to each other.
By keeping you locked into the bond with each other a healing process is started that will pull you through every pain or fear you would otherwise never even consider facing, until you are cleansed to the core. Your love for each other that started as something that you will later look back on and hardly recognize as love, will only grow deeper as the immense pull keeps pulling you toward each other with a force that you have never felt before in your life. This is scary as hell for both of you, but usually it is the guy that runs.Even women tend to run and try and hide in overeating, games with other men or other attempts to sooth the extreme pain. It doesn’t work anymore though.
Twin flame or just a toxic asshole?
example when you stop fighting the connection, when you stop trying to run and hide, you will start healing smaller and bigger trauma’s  When you’ve got yourself a toxic asshole, you will feel it because life will only get worse and she will make you feel worse about yourself. In a twin flame relationship you will never feel worse about yourself. Rather through seeing yourself through the eyes of your twin, you will only learn to love yourself more.

Signs from the Universe

So if you are also the one who was left behind in your twin flame relationship I hope this article helps you see the blessings your twin has brought you. That you like me decide to trust the signs the Universe* gives you, even when they seem wacko in this moment. That you realize that what your runner twin is showing you, is not how she really feels about you. 
In the end you might end up together with your twin and have romance too, but that is the cherry on top…