Saturday, 29 April 2017

!!YoU ArE The PaiN YoU ArE ThE CurE !!

!!YoU ArE The PaiN YoU ArE ThE CurE !!!!YoU ArE The PaiN YoU ArE ThE CurE !!

Dear Shitu,
I know we fight.I know we argue over stupid things and those just happen to be what we contemplate before we go to sleep.we stress because we wonder if the other is going to be give up and quit fighting.promises are broken and trust is much bullsh***t that we put up with.but in the end,we know that it will pay the end,we will come out on the top and things  will become better.I keep my faith because I love you.and regardless of the drama,in the end yes,you are worth you i am so sorry for all my mistakes I know Iam the difficult one and this time I have been really crazy. Iam sorry for all the trouble I caused.

Regards Babu

Thursday, 20 April 2017


Image result for PROUD to be man


I am talking about most of the Guys not about every guy !

In Every breakup, mostly the Guys are blamed, like :- " boy was not loyal or he did not have guts to speak for marriage with his parents etc etc ...

Loyalty doesn't come by one's gender , both Man or woman can be loyal or not. So both, gender faces d same issue. 

Now on the point of stand , Guys really don't take stands when it comes to marriage, Agreed. But I also believe , most of the guys are not scared but they are cautious, they think too much for their parents & their health , sister & her marriage/ her future, familyname , society , etc etc 

I don't blame them or don't hold anything against them , you know why ? Coz they have learned to sacrifice their happiness for family & for loved ones and this was taught by their Dad.

 A father works day & night for the family but we see only the work done by our mother at home ....
He might have wanted to quit his boring job and would have wanted to do something which he loved but he couldn't coz bread and butter of the family would be at stake and he did not want to risk it , but we only see that mothers  have sacrificed their personal ambitions....

Dads go to work even in bad health so that his salary doesn't get affected....

When a child ask for something even if it's something they can't afford parents first ask, is it necessary? If yes ok give me some time will get it ...
They never buy clothes for themselves , first they ensure that the money is used for their child's needs .

Yes we are the Boys/Men , who have learnt to smile even if we are unhappy and even after knowing that it's a huge risk still we dump our relationship and go for arrange marriages ! 
In tough times we take the blame on ourselves and keep going.
We don't cry in front of our loved ones , and let them think we don't have emotions and tell them to be strong .
Yes we have learnt patience, sacrifice and the real meaning of love from our Father i.e " at any cost ensure that your family is happy & protected , and do anything to secure the family's name and future" !